Tag Archives: Decision Maker Email List

All You Need to Know About Google Core Web Vitals Optimization

In order to test this I sent the All You following 3 campaigns. With the following results: campaigns for sites in. English Which proves that this strategy with these. Templates gets good, quality links simply for whatever. Language it is. What is the authority of the links obtained. You may be wondering: What authority did the links. I got have? Well, I am not usually guided by indicators such as. DA (from Moz) or DR (from Ahrefs) but in this case they do. Help me filter websites. Because? Because whether you want it or not, as long as. It is not a PBN , you will know that if it. Has a good DA or DR. It will surely be a link that will work for you. How to filter said data? Easy, with Ahrefs .

I am not usually All You guided by indicators such as DA

You start by getting a list of relevant industry email list links, and generally start from competitors. We go to a competitor, click on their link profile and export the information to be able to work in Google Sheets. export data from ahrefs Subsequently, the only thing we have left is to filter according to its DR. In this case I took all the links with a DR greater than 35 to send my campaigns. Earned link authority The authority of the links obtained is very good and all the backlinks were placed in content relevant to the projects industry.

Various studies show that it is extremely important

Obviously, there were a greater DM Databases number of links between 35 and 55 Domain Rating, but they are still good links on sites that are part of the niche. They are simply the links that can most enhance these projects and they were all obtained without having to spend a single dollar. Are follow-up emails useful or is just 1 email enough? Various studies show that it is extremely important to track the first email sent since, thanks to that, we can obtain a higher response rate. Luckily, I was able to verify it… and it is indeed like that. Backlinks according to the number of emails sent In fact, 32% of the 36 links generated came thanks to the second email I sent.

Webmaster’s Guide to Google Core Web Vitals: Best Practices

Snov has a feature Webmaster’s Guide where. You can connect your email account via SMTP or you can also. Do it directly to your G Suite. In my experience, the direct connection. With G Suite has very good results because Snov sends. Emails through Google servers and does not do so (as in the case of SMTP). Through the hosting you have contracted. It is for these reasons that I also had to divide all the possible. Links into different campaigns (six in total). This way we make sure (in theory) that we don’t fall into spam or have general problems. With our shipments. Campaign 1 and campaign 2 The first two campaigns. Had these conditions: It offered to exchange 2 links for 2 other links.

Campaign 1 and Webmaster's Guide campaign 2 The first two campaigns had these conditions

It didn’t have a customization paragraph, it was a more top industry data generic email. first two email outreach campaigns I was not satisfied with having only gotten 3 links after having sent 91 personalized emails, so from here on I decided to make changes. I wanted the offer to be more attractive and I wanted the company or person who will receive the email to see that it was written by someone who is truly interested in what the company/niche has to offer. Campaign 3 onwards From campaign 3 onwards things began to improve. campaigns optimized for link search After having sent 374 emails.

Campaigns optimized for link search After having sent 374 emails

I got a better response rate due to the customization/personalization and I DM Databases also included an extra link. In this way, I offered 3 links to projects that are currently stagnant in exchange for 2 good links to the projects that I am interested in positioning in the SERPs. 17 links obtained on sites with high authority and in just 1 month and, furthermore, without spending a single dollar. Does this strategy also work to contact companies in English? Since the links I was getting for the project could also be from websites with content in English, I had a question about whether this same template and this same strategy would work in the face of the change in language and audience.

The story of the lumberjack and the entrepreneur

The story Entrepreneurship is a long-distance race in which only a few are able to reach the finish line. The majority start the race running hard, but as the race progresses they begin to encounter problems. One of the topics that I insist on both to entrepreneurs with their projects and to SMEs with marketing optimization, is that you have to “sharpen the ax before you start cutting down the tree.

Lessons from history of lumberjack for entrepreneurs The story

The story perfectly reflects the beginnings of a project. We usually industry email list start with a lot of strength and enthusiasm, but we do not measure. It reminds me of an old ad that went like this: “Power without control is nothing” (Pirelli ad with Carl Lewis). Something similar happens to us when starting a business. But after the initial frenzy we begin to take some time to think when things don’t go as we expected. We think “What am I doing wrong?” The clearest conclusion after reading the story is that we realized that we had not “sharpened the axe.” But the lessons from this story go much further. 

Learnings from the history of the lumberjack for teams entrepreneur

If we take two steps back and see the story of the woodcutter DM Databases through the eyes of the rest of the people who were present, we find another series of important lessons. Let’s look at each character in the story: Young lumberjack : us when starting the project, regardless of our age, of course! J. Chief lumberjack : we need a person who has a contextual vision of the project, who warns us of our mistakes and guides us (a mentor).

What is an entrepreneur? Do you have the necessary profile to be one

 What is An entrepreneur is a person. Therefore, who identifies an opportunity and, knowing the risks, undertakes the action of organizing the necessary resources to become the creator or founder of a company or business, with the aim of taking advantage of said opportunity, obtaining a respective profit. Well, to be honest, once I read it, I don’t like thisv definition too much. It seems a bit convoluted, poorly constructed.

This definition represents the vast majority of entrepreneurs in What is

 What is This definition represents the vast majority of entrepreneurs category email list in their first steps. Obviously depending. Therefore, on the level of training and experience, this process is professionalized and perfected. We began to talk about validation of business models, market study , financing rounds, ENISA, balanced work team, partners’ agreement, business and marketing strategy, etc. Well, at that point between my first definition. Therefore, and the terms I refer to later, is where I find a large percentage of entrepreneurs I work with. 

Characteristics of an entrepreneur profile to be one

What should it be like? What is the DM Databases optimal profile of a successful entrepreneur? What are its main characteristics? And if you are undertaking. Therefore, the crucial question is do I have the necessary profile to be an entrepreneur? This is one of the questions that I try to help you answer in the book (you have a test to find out your entrepreneur profile and what you need to complement it in case it is not optimal), but let’s keep it simple.

How to define a winning commercial proposal

How to talk about defining commercial proposals, it is best to start by putting ourselves. Therefore, in a situation. Imagine the following context : We are preparing the launch of a new product (or failing that we have to relaunch an existing one). We have some commercial. Therefore, objectives to meet. It is time to move from theory to practice and capture the value proposition of our product on a product page, advertising creatives, commercial speech, etc.

Satisfied customer perceived value expected value How to

How to Our customer is happy because they perceive greater value top industry data in the product for the price they paid. We have not been able to meet your expectations. It’s simple, right? So let’s go back to defining the commercial proposal of the product we are going to launch. When defining our commercial offer, we can fundamentally act on the expected value. Regarding the perceived value, it is understood. Therefore, that our company has already done the necessary work to try to optimize it (quality of materials, functionalities, etc.), and at this moment, from the marketing department, we have little control.

Winning business proposals commercial proposal

And yet, when we have a well-defined DM Databases and powerful product or service (step 0 for a winning commercial proposal), we don’t need so many fireworks. The product is sold “alone”. Does this mean that. Therefore, we should not define an attractive and complete proposal? No not at all. It means that the commercial proposal must be the companion of the product, not the protagonist.

Content Marketing Goals How Many & Which Ones

Typical advice says that there are five to 10 content marketing goals and that you can hit them separately with different types of content. I think there are two mistakes in this approach. First, it mistakes goals for outcomes of. Second, you shouldn’t design to hit only one of those “goals” because it can hurt content quality. In this article, I’ll share a perspective on what’s wrong with the typical model and offer a solution —a slightly more streamlined (and hopefully realistic) approach to content goals.

The problem with

Traditional content marketing goals For years, we’ve been getting used to the same set of  goals. It goes something like this: Sounds familiar? These are the company data traditional marketing goals repeated by countless publications over the years. Surprisingly, these goals were built upon two simple fallacies. 1. Mistaking outcomes for goals In reality, those are not marketing goals; those are outcomes of good . In other words, this is how businesses benefit from creating helpful and enjoyable content. If you’re wondering what the difference is: Imagine that your “goal” is to make content that will generate more leads.

Does that mean you

Can forget about building trust, creating brand awareness, and educating the audience on that same piece of content? And why would someone sign up for your product or DM Databases newsletter if they thought the content was of poor quality? The point that I’m trying to make is that you can’t just pick one of those traditional goals and forget the rest. If you insist on keeping your content about only one of those traditional goals, you risk deteriorating its quality and, as a result, limiting the outcomes. Conversely, good content brings multiple outcomes at the same time. It’s just like working out—it affects the whole body and your mind too. But only if you do it right.

How to Measure SEO Performance & Results

If you tried to put together a list of metrics from all resources about SEO topics, you’d easily end up with hundreds of them. It can be overwhelming to make sense of it all. But you only need to focus on a few metrics that really matter for your SEO performance and the results it brings. In this article, you’ll learn about just four SEO metrics that represent all you need to measure your SEO performance properly. On top of that, we’ll also go through multiple ways to measure impact on how your SEO performs. Let’s dive in.

How to measure

SEO performance and results In the big picture, there are only two ways to measure SEO performance and results: organic traffic and the money it makes for the executive data business. There are a lot of nuances involved, so let’s dive straight into three organic traffic metrics followed by conversions the traffic brings. Organic traffic Organic traffic represents all non-paid clicks that come from search engines. We all like to see the organic traffic curve going up, as it’s usually a sign of better performing SEO. But keep in mind that not all organic traffic spikes automatically translate into more sales (unless you monetize your website traffic by displaying ads). The “Search results” report under the Performance tab in.

Google Search Console

Is going to give you the most accurate view of your organic traffic over time. Filtering out these branded queries can be considered. As isolating your SEO performance DM Databases from your overall marketing performance. SEO plays an important role in brand building, but it can’t take. All the credit for it. On top of this, you should also always compare. Your results over time, preferably over comparable time periods. How to Measure To avoid including one period that suffered from a seasonal swing. The easiest way to do this is to click on the Date settings, head over. To the Compare tab, and select a year-over-year comparison for the period you’re investigating.

Keyword Analysis for SEO Deciding if

If you’re choosing keywords based on search volume alone, you’re making a mistake. You also need to consider whether the keyword makes sense for your business and whether you can realistically rank for it. Here are a few reasons why this can happen: Search volume > traffic potential: Google shows instant answers in the search results and people don’t need to click. People may also be clicking SERP features like “Top stories” instead. Keyword Analysis Search volume < traffic potential: The top-ranking page also ranks for other keywords.

What’s the solution

Use the top-ranking page’s as a proxy for traffic potential instead of search volumes. If you’re an Ahrefs user, the Traffic Potential (TP) metric in Keywords executive email list Explorer tells you this. You can even sort and filter keyword ideas by TP to make sure you focus on keywords that are likely to send you decent traffic. How do you know which one searchers are looking for? The answer is pretty obvious for some keywords. For example, people searching for “loan calculator” clearly want an interactive tool, while those searching for “buy homepod mini” want a product page.

Keyword Analysis obvious

For your keyword, the first page of results usually paints a pretty good picture. For example, all first-page results for “days between dates” are interactive DM Databases calculators:  Some keywords are harder to rank for than others. Here are three questions to ask to decide how likely you are to rank for a keyword. A. How many backlinks do I need? Backlinks are one of Google’s main ranking factors. This means that if you’re competing against pages with lots. Of backlinks already, you’ll need to build lots of backlinks to your page—and that’s hard. For a super rough idea of how many backlinks you’ll need to rank, check the hint below the Keyword Difficulty (KD) score in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer (or use our free Keyword Difficulty checker).

Recommendations for correctly using an intranet

All medium and large companies receive numerous requests from their prospects through WhatsApp. Dealing with a large flow of messages can take up. A lot of time for the sales team and affect the overall service level. That is why automating messages will be of great help to respond to certain. Requests automatically through a programmed bot. By using a multi-agent system for WhatsApp, like Impulsa Sac you can create default responses. To new requests In this way the bot will respond to the client according.  To your needs and message flow. The bot can also refer the conversation to one or more sales agents so that they can take it back.

Constant comunication Recommendations for

Even though you Efficiently launch are reaching a large number of people, each interaction should feel personal. Generic and spam messages tend to be ignored or, worse yet, create a negative brand perception. Personalization  Therefore, goes beyond simply including the recipient’s name in the message; It’s about creating content that resonates with your audience’s needs company data and wants. Leveraging available data is crucial to achieving this effective personalization. Efficient mass sending platforms through WhatsApp allow you to use prior information about customer interaction with the brand to adapt messages appropriately. Not only does this show that the brand is paying attention to its customers, but the likelih As businesses strive to stand out in a sea of ​​digital information, the ability to launch and master efficient mass mailings on WhatsApp becomes a powerful tool to instantly increase reach. However.As businesses strive to stand out in a sea.

Customize the site

Greater security If your intranet is well designed.It will be secure for your company and workers. Also, they will have the option to share specific information for some users, preventing other employees from reading confidential files. Constant comunication Having a place where company personnel can interact allows you to centralize communication in a unique DM Databases  and ideal environment. The ads you publish will be seen faster. The information will be much more secure. You will be able to share details of a project, defining who you will include. More time Sharing information in a common place gives your employees the opportunity to find everything faster. This way, they will dedicate more time to other company tasks.

Intranet for companies, everything you need to know

Efficiency is a  vital aspect that  every company needs to possess. Not only does it allow employees to do their jobs better. But it even saves large amounts of money. The Intranet for companies undoubtedly increases their efficiency. We show  to know about it. What is the Intranet for companies. In this digital age in which we live, we can practically. No longer imagine our lives without the incredible technological tools that greatly facilitate our lives. And this is very evident in all areas, especially in the professional fieldcompany, so that everyone manages the same information and resources. It facilitates organization, especially in companies that handle large amounts of documents and information. intranet for companies2 Of course, depending on how we use.

Pros and cons of using

Of course everything you need like every tool we know today. The Intranet for companies has pros and cons that we must consider. To begin with, we can point out the benefits of this tool. These are  Available and easy access for employees. To important information It is always active and is practical and fast. It can be adapted to what the company needs. Making it executive data possible to divide ranges and sections. It is a way to save money and time when sharing information It promotes the integration of all components of a company, so that everyone manages the same information and resources. It facilitates organization, especially in companies that handle large amounts of documents and information. intranet for companies2 Of course, depending on how we use.

The Intranet for companies

Once you are clear about the wonderful benefits of the Intranet for companies. You will surely wonder how you can implement this tool in your own venture. Well, the truth is much simpler than it seems. For example, the use of a WhatsApp group in a company could be considered an Intranet, since it allows several people to exchange and store DM Databases information in one place. Although, if you have a large company with more information to manage, it is more advisable to use tools such as Google Drive or Cloud Storage. However, if you have the resources and willingness, you can create an Intranet : a personalized.


Examples of intranet that enhance the productivity of a company


A very common problem in most  Examples of intranet. Companies is wasted time, for example, employees waiting for documents. updating manuals or learning new tools. All of this can take a long time. But by implementing intranet you can improve the productivity of a company. Increase the productivity of a company with an intranet The intranet helps you improve the productivity of your workers, as it makes it easier to obtain essential information so they can work quickly and more efficiently. Therefore, the intranet will provide short-term benefits for your company. It should be noted that the majority of employees are not committed to their work, either due to disinterest or lack of inclusion; so a company’s productivity leak can begin here.

Micro Office outstanding  Examples of intranet 

So the intranet is a useful tool for this type of problem, and for employees to be on the same page. Given that with intranet effective communication and interconnection are present, responses will be faster and more direct from workers; which  executive email list will undoubtedly achieve an increase in productivity. How does an Intranet work? Examples of intranets that boosted productivity in companies There are examples of how the intranet can reduce problems and in this way work can be more efficient for employees and the company. In fact, many organizations with this network have dramatically improved a company’s productivity.Manage.

outstanding templates for your

Center for Cinema and Image in France (CNC) implemented the quick search engine within its intranet so that its employees can quickly get the content they need. Mobile access The intranet was previously only for the internal network and only DM Databases available to those who are in the offices in front of a computer; all this to guarantee the security of the   company. But with the advent of today’s mobile devices and remote working, limiting this use doesn’t make sense. In the case of fashion retailer Coach , its intranet had to be mobile-friendly since many of its employees didn’t spend much time at desks. Manage tacit knowledge Searching through ideas, saved research inputs and thoughts is a useful tool that you can include on your intranet. This will make explicit knowledge visible to everyone.

Metrics that you should be obsessed with to increase online

Metrics that you should be obsessed with to increase online. I have nothing against SEO. Now you know. But since there are many people who know much more about web positioning than me, I leave this specialty to those who really master it 100%. store metricsPhoto rights from Fotolia Make no mistake. Selling online is difficult . Despite all those entries that you can find on the web where the. The reality is rather the opposite.

Metrics that you should Product variety and quantity

Metrics that you should be obsessed with to increase online. Selling company data once is fine, but doing it several times is even better. Therefore, it may even be acceptable to not earn (a lot) of money on the first sale if you have a loyalty plan prepared. We are talking about knowing how to increase the lifetime value of a customer over time ( Customer Lifetime Value ). With each sale you have to generate a cushion of customers that in the future will allow you to generate more income. Good prices and impeccable customer service are the basis for this. There is no greater secret to the matter.

Obsessed with to increase online Average shopping cart

Here techniques such as upselling and cross-selling come into force . The point is to offer a greater quantity at a better DM Databases price and/or related products. Another thing you can play with is shipping costs . In my store I offer free shipping over 20 euros and I have several products that are just below that.  products to  achieve free shipping.